Which bug can take its own legs off? Which one can survive a month without food? And which one eats using 25,000 teeth? Scurry under foot with the crunchy and the slimy and learn a thing or two. Bumblebee Daddly Long Legs Cockroach Slug Moth Dragonfly Flea Wasp Mosquito Dentipede Caterpillar Earwig Termite Fly Tick Tigerbeetle Potato Bug Glow Worm Butterfly Praying Mantis Tarantula Ant Bed Bug Firefly Ladybird Scorpion Snail Worm Weevil Spider Sandfly Water Strider Junebug Locust Silverfish Cicada Grasshopper Walking Stick Hornet Millipede Greenbottle Fly Cricket Carpetbeetle Aphid Horsefly Mite Stinkbug Water Beetle Woodlouse Mud Wasp Froghopper Assassin Bug