Take the hand of Gran Gran as she and her granddaughter JoJo set out on special activities prepared by Gran Gran (aka the Gran Gran plan). It's Time To Look for Night-Time Animals It's Time To Go To Work It's Time To Play in the Snow It's Time For Pottery It's Time To Help at the Farm It's Time To Remember Grandad It's Time For a Community Newsletter It's Time To Build a Scarecrow It's Time for a Tea Party It's Time for Poetry It's Time to Find Monty's Ball It's Time to Make a Sorrel Drink It's Time to Go to The Airport It's Time to Harvest Vegetables It's Time to Visit the Dentist It's Time for a Birthday Party It's Time for a Treasure Hunt It's Time to Ice Skate It's Time to Paint It's Time to Build a Snowman It's Time to Make a Rocket It's Time for Night-Time Workers It's Time to Spot the Birds It's Time to Look After Monty It's Time For a Jumble Sale It's Time to Catch the Train It's Time For a Special Visitor